jueves, diciembre 22, 2005

lucas, su patriotismo

From: Sra. K.
To: La Ciencia Maldita

Disiento con lo de Puerta. La clave de la sentencia, que de tan buena onda te conmueve, es ese párrafo donde avanza una explicación que dice no creer probable pero que me parece que es la que ellos (y yo), en el fondo de su corazón, sostienen: el flaco se jugó en la semi con el dope sabiendo que si ganaba, no lo testeaban, y que después, dos días más tarde, cuando lo testearan para la final, la sustancia desapareciera. Yo creo que esto es lo que pasó: no se dopó para la final porque sabía que lo testeaban seguro, pero se dopó antes, y en lugar de írsele todo lo que ingirió (como dicen que suele pasar con el effortil, de rápida expulsión), le quedó un poquito.

From: La Ciencia Maldita
To: Sra K.

Por ahí tenés razón. Pero no es lo que dice creer el Tribunal. Si lo creyera, OK, condenalo. Pero si decís que no creés que se dopó intencionalmente, y decís que en ningún partido tuvo ventajas físicas, no podés sancionarlo. Supongo que te referís a estas partes:

34. We have considered the possibility that on the day of the semi-final the player deliberately doped himself with effortil, intending to enhance his performance through etilefrine, knowing that he would only be tested if he lost, and gambling that he would win, would therefore not be tested until two days later and that the substance, which is rapidly eliminated from the body, would have disappeared from his body by the day of the final.

35. After careful thought, we reject this explanation on the balance of probabilities. We accept the player’s evidence that he did not deliberately dope himself. We accept on the balance of probabilities that the player’s contamination with effortil was inadvertent. We do not think he would be so unwise as to risk his career, even though he was playing the biggest match of his life on 3 June 2005. We take into account the negative tests undergone by the player after the end of his suspension. We take into account Professor Forrest’s view that it would be improbable that any etilefrine would remain in the player’s body by the evening of 5 June when the test was administered.

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