martes, febrero 20, 2007

el periodismo yanqui es bueno hasta cuando habla del clima

While sitting there, I was reminded of the speeches that Alan Greenspan gave a few years ago about the risks of deflation. It wasn’t the most likely outcome, he said, but the consequences of it could be so bad that policy makers had to take steps to prevent it. Focusing attention on this point -the catastrophic risks of climate change- is Sir Nicholas’s biggest accomplishment, whatever you think of his math.

As Mr. Weitzman puts it, the Stern Review is “right for the wrong reasons.”

Even its critics seem open to this idea. When Mr. Nordhaus and Sir Nicholas were exchanging e-mail messages before the debate -to their credit, some academics keep their arguments from becoming personal- Mr. Nordhaus sent a note that summed up his view. “I think it’s a great study, but it’s 50 years ahead of its time,” he recalled writing. “Since everybody else is 50 years behind the times, if you average the two, you might come out just right.”

6 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

¿El título es irónico, verdad? Es imposible seguir defendiendo la ficción del periodismo intachable yanqui.

Anónimo dijo...

obvio maria esperanza!!x dios!

Anónimo dijo...

a mi me parece que no es irónico, que a rollo le parece que el periodismo yanqui es bueno. y coincido con él. obviamente no es "intachable" (quién lo es, MEC?), pero:

- hay mayor claridad en la separación entre "fact" y "opinion" que acá
- hay opciones. o sea, no son todos oficialistas como acá.
- en general, escriben bien.

Comentarista dijo...

Totalmente de acuerdo con Don. Lejos de ser perfecto es mas "prolijo" al menos.

Aprovecho para que lean el art del Wall Street Journal acerca del tema del INDEC que tiene frases como: "This month lesson in how NOT to create prosperity comes from Argentina"
Copio la direccion del blog porque no tengo el link al WSJ (que es pago)

Miguel Olivera dijo...

Si la página editorial del WSJ es seria entonces la sección económica de Perfil la escribe Paul Krugman...

Anónimo dijo...

averages, olivera, averages.