Quise hacer un viejo ejercicio: ¿está ya la Argentina en el nivel de precios que corresponde a su productividad? En un país con tasas de 2-3% de inflación mensual y con poca devaluación, en algún momento te hacés caro. Para la data del Economist Intelligence Unit (que incluye estimaciones para el 2007) la Argentina sigue estando fuera de la línea: es un país mucho más barato que lo que le corresponde. ¿Será que usan los datos de inflación del INDEC?

Tengo ganas, sin embargo, de recolectar otra vez la data para el Índice Coca-Cola. Acá la lata -que reapareció, fruto de la apreciación cambiaria, ya que la incidencia del latón bajó en la medida en que aumentaron otros componentes del costo- debe andar por los 2,50, no? En nuestra última medición estaba a $1,50.
45 comentarios:
Aclaro que no soy economista. Tengo mis preguntas: Siendo mas baratos q el resto de los paises no es logico que un pais tienda a la inflación?? se podria dar el caso en el que haya ún alto indice de inflación y que este se equilibre cuando estemos igual de caros que el resto de los paises?
Rollo, pasá la lista de los paises mas baratos que en el gráfico no se pueden leer bien y quiero planear mis vacaciones.
Anónimo: me parece que uno es Pakistán, pero no sé si es buena época para pasar las vacaciones ahí.
Qué opinión te merece el nuevo ministro de econonmía???
Rollo, el precio de la lata de coca en USA varia. En NY cuesta algo asi como US$ 1,2. Ahora en Gainesville, FL (donde vivo yo), cuesta desde US$ 0,5 (Publix) hasta US$ 1 (Maquina expendedora), pasando por US$ 0,7 (en un kiosco). Saludos,
Para el anónimo que se quiere ir de vacaciones (igual que yo), que consulte por una cabaña en la costa atlántica durante una semana para familia tipo (Mar de las Pampas, Villa Gesell)y que haga el mismo trabajito para una semanita en, que se yo...Buzios, y después nos cuente.
...Voce abuso...lalala.
En Buenos reaparecieron las latas, el viernes en Coto, las de linea Pepsi estaban alrededor de $ 1,50, pero las de Coca como $2,20, demasiada diferencia me parece (Coca apuesta mas a botellitas varias de vidrio y plástico).
my God, i thought you were going to chip in with some decisive insght at the end there, not leave it with ‘we leave it to you to decide’.
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Because of numerous reasons that are tied to a certain place, a game that looks perfectly problem-free in one region may be looked upon in another. Such issues highlight why localization - as opposed to mere translation- is extremely important for games.
That said, these facts raise an important questions: when does localization cross the line of censorship? And to what degree should this sort of censorship be tolerated?
In order to illustrate my thoughts, Yakuza 3 on PS3 shows well how thin the frontier between censorship and localization can be. The game was heavily criticized by gamers who suspect the localizerd edited or removed significant game elements.
It was certainly a disappointment for gamers who expected to have the same game as the Japanese one after reading reviews and news in video game magazines or forums.
Most of gamers are reasonable adults who just want to enjoy the game as it is, instead of playing an edited, censored version of it. So please, developers, think of gamers first when you are localizing your games.
Video game translation should be given more consideration, and before censoring, developers should rather listen to their gamers at first.
Due to numerous region, territory or country cultural specific reasons, a video game which is considered absolutely problem-free in one country may be looked upon as unacceptable somewhere else. This is one of the reasons why video game adaptation - contrary to translation- is extremely important for video games.
That said, I've often been wondering: when does localization go so far that it becomes censorship? And is that something one should accept?
As a recent example, Yakuza 3 on PS3 shows well how thin the frontier between censorship and localization can be. Almost immediately, it came under fire for the huge cuts it suffered at the hands of Western localizers. Apparently, a significant chunk of the cut scenes, minigames, and events were removed from the US release, deemed "inappropriate" for American audiences.
Gamers were most likely expecting something different after reading about the game in specialized media
Regardless as to what country this game is purchased in, by default (due to content) the player will generally be an adult - or at least old enough to understand that the game may contain some "naughty bits". Just look at the cover - this fact is not going to surprise anyone. So who are the publishers to decide even further who this game is for, and what parts they should be allowed to play?.
Video game localization is not censorship and should be adapted to players in a certain territory.
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